In Stellar Escape you are navigating your character (Elliot Black for those into names) as he runs (i.e. you have no control over the fact that he's always running to the right) through a series of courses and you can do five things to navigate through them. You can jump, slide, dive, climb (not up, but along playground monkey bars), or dive into tubes. The first level is a good proverbial confidence builder with simple jumping and sliding and it gives a good feel of what is to come. The game also progresses at a smooth pace. Next you'll add diving through holes that are about 2/3 the way high on a wall. Now that you're juggling three buttons (and the obstacles come pretty fast) you'll start to be challenged. Next, add the monkey bars and you'll be wondering how the tubes fit into the game. Well, the tubes actually allow you to pop in and out of another location (effectively skipping a section of the level). Scoring is based on how much of the level you complete and how many mistakes you make.
Stellar Escape is another game that costs just over one US dollar in the Android Market and it's a great mobile title that will kill off a few minutes at a time. As you progress through the levels it rates you (in Angry Birds style) allowing you to finish off a couple levels here and there with each level being progressively more difficult. In conclusion, Stellar Escape is a solid arcade style game that will test your reflexes to the max and is well worth the price. Unfortunately, there is no demo so you'll have to buy it to try it, but I think most people will agree that it's a keeper. 4.5/5 stars.
Interesting - when it first came out there _was_ a Stellar Escape Lite, which was the first 3 levels for free, but that seems to have disappeared from the marketplace. Great game, though.