What I really like about this game is the polish. Everything in the game just feels professionally done and for a free game that is really impressive. The advertisements are shown at the bottom of the screen but not during game play which is really nice. I did see a few foreign language advertisements but again these are not very distracting at all and if the developer can make their money this way I'm all for it. Coming into the game presents you with a few options including "Play", "Scores" and "Options". The options screen lets you set up the calibration on the next game run which is nice if you are playing laying down which might mean your screen orientation is different. You can also tweak the handling here between novice and pro. It actually makes a pretty big difference in how the bike handles so try it out both ways. There's also a button here for turning the sound off. I wish that you could adjust the music and the sound effects independently but it's all or nothing here. Sometimes I just don't like a game's music track or get tired of it but like to hear the sound effects. A little nit pick, but hey, this is a review, right? Finally in the options there is a submit scores selection. Here you can sync up the game with your Facebook account and battle it out with your buddies for the longest ride. Unfortunately no one I have in my friends list plays this game so I wasn't able to test it out. The global scores though are ridiculously high as usual, the top guy has almost 150k while I'm barely able to squeak out a 6k run.
Hitting play from the main menu takes you immediately into the game. Your bike begins accelerating rapidly and the road starts whizzing by. Your goal is to just keep it upright and not wreck. You do this by tilting your device left and right to steer. A press of the screen will perform a wheelie for as long as you hold it. Your bike is much trickier to steer while in wheelie mode but you also score more points. Did I mention there is no way to slow down? The game also tells you how long you held your wheelie once you let it down so a side challenge can be how long you can hold the trick. Unfortunately the game doesn't keep track of this stat so you'll just have to make a game of it yourself. There are other ways to score higher as well such as getting closer to cars as you pass. Hit something and it's all over but the shout. Your guy will fly up in the air and the bike will crash and it's game over, no extra lives here. At this point your score will be displayed and you'll have the option to change your high score name, play again, return to the main menu or post the score to Facebook.
Yep, this game is a beauty and for free??